
Term that is used to define an epoch postioned after postmodernism and that tries to imagine a going “beyond” postmodern aesthetics.

Misunderstandings and clarifications

It has been five years since our essay-cum-opening statement ‘Notes on Metamodernism’ was published in the Journal of aesthetics and culture, about six and a half years since it was written, and sevenish years since it was conceived late at night in a student dorm room in London, discussing, not entirely sober, the financial crisis, …

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How PoMo can you go?

Kim Levin just published an article in ARTnews describing the end of postmodernism and the emergence of metamodernism. She writes: In the past couple of years, there’s been a new post- Postmodern movement lurking in Europe: Metamodernism. It features an agenda that involves art that is impermanent, incremental, provisional, and idiosyncratic, as well as site-specific …

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Trash Talk

Currently in exhibition at the Deutsche Guggenheim in Berlin, Mexican artist Gabriel Orozco’s Asterisms features thousands of waste objects collected from two locations, a bay along the coast of Mexico and a playing field in New York City. Asterisms is a work that reflects on the culture of waste; where it comes from, where it …

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Duel is not a ‘gimmick’

In the late 1980s, Joost Zwagerman’s (1963) debut novel Gimmick[1] caused a sensation in press and public as a novel that defined the Zeitgeist and spoke for a generation, the postmodern generation.  Recently he wrote Duel[2]  (2010), a shorter novel published as the traditional gift of the annual week-of-books, which can be considered as a …

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Architecture’s New Terrain

Landform Building: Architecture’s New Terrain documents the influence and manifestations of both landscape and ecology in contemporary architectural practice that is resulting in not simply a “cross-disciplinary phenomenon” but new design techniques and formal strategies. It is edited by Stan Allen, Dean of the Princeton University School of Architecture and practicing architect in New York who …

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Metamodern architecture

The latest issue of MONU (Magazine ON Urbanism) features a series of essays dealing with the post-ideological condition of contemporary cities. Besides an interview with Wouter Vanstiphout and essays by, amongst others, Thomas Ruff, Brendan M. Lee, Michael Hirschbichler, MONU #15 also includes an new article by NoM founders Robin den Akker and Timotheus Vermeulen. …

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