The webzine Notes on Metamodernism ran from 2009 to 2016. It was part of a long term interdisciplinary transnational research project documenting developments in twenty-first century culture that could no longer be explained in terms of the postmodern, but needed to be conceived of by another critical discourse – metamodernism. Notes on Metamodernism was founded in May 2009 by Timotheus Vermeulen and Robin van den Akker and edited together with Nadine Fessler, Hila Shachar, Luke Turner and Alison Gibbons. In its seven year run, the webzine featured around fifty critics and theorists from a range of backgrounds, writing about trends and tendencies in current affairs, network culture, architecture, design, fashion, art, music, literature, theatre, performance, photography, film and television, and theory. The webzine has been featured in popular media globally, is indexed by most national and research libraries, and is included in various citation metrics including google scholar.