On Literary Metamodernism


The U.S. Edition of The Huffington Post just published an interesting essay in which Seth Abramson discusses and contextualises a metamodern poetics. He writes:

Metamodernism is much more than the implicit proclamation that postmodernism is dead; it is an active and expanding poetics that makes positive submissions of a historically idiosyncratic sort. Chief among these submissions are the following: That wholeness in the Internet Age is possible without any denial of the subjective complexities of the period; that reflexivity in art can be achieved without irony or conventional artifice; that conventional craft and conventional prosody are more often hindrances to such an achievement than aids; that metataxic operations (that is, movement between poles as a means of superceding those poles) better returns Art to the praxis of Life than do the paratactic operations favored by postmodernists; that conflicting realities can be seamlessly interwoven without standing apart from any or all of them; that new metanarratives to inform both present and future are more readily realized in the superconscious and hyperconscious than in or through deconstructive linguistic codes; and that the hyperphysicality of self and culture is more immanent in the lives of today’s youth than is the possible commodification of language as capital or material, a premise younger Americans were raised on and thus long ago implicitly accepted. There are, of course, several other important and generative metamodernistic theses even more esoteric than these, but for now these will do.

You can read the full essay here.

(images by Andy Mister)