
‘een verlangen naar oprechtheid’

    IN MEI VAN DIT JAAR PUBLICEERDE dit weekblad onder de kop ‘Verlangen naar oprechtheid’ een korte recensie van het laatste album van zangeres Anouk, Sad Singalong Songs. Een maand eerder verscheen ook al een artikel met vrijwel dezelfde titel. Lynn Bergers recensie ‘Een verlangen naar oprechtheid’ gaat echter niet over Nederlandse popmuziek, maar over de roman A Thousand …

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A New Dawn

“I paint your house, you sing a song at my boyfriend’s birthday. The next door neighbour sets up a farm on the roof of his house. Artists sell gloves knitted by Granny – the proceeds are for an art project. Things can be different!”

Thirteen theses on (the end of) liberal democracy

Liberal democracy isn’t doing so well these days. The countries that have it seem keen to get rid of it. Presidents are installed without being elected (Italy), autocratic populist parties are on the rise (the US, the UK, France, the Netherlands), debates are settled by hand-to-hand fighting (South Korea), and freedom of speech is inhibited …

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The Fear of Failure

  “There is no longer anyone today who would be deceived by the accumulation of facts as to how much of historical representation and construction is fulfilled by naïve projections  and identification. Thus we must be aware of our own historical situation.” Carl Schmitt[1] If there is one thing Artur Zmijewski’s controversial 7th Berlin Biennale Forget Fear, …

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‘The border is everywhere’: excursions in the politics of identity

However hard people try, the undoing of borders seems inevitable; the fragility of boundaries, obvious. Indeed, the ‘literal’ (physical, geo-political, national) border is, in many ways, merely a proxy for the control of a cultural identity, the boundaries of which are feared – by some – to be fluid and insecure. The ‘nation’, as such, …

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Questioning Multiculturalism

By the end of the 1980s, one term had become the magic word in political theory and a mainstay of social politics in many liberal, western states: Multiculturalism. Between the numerous attempts of political, legal and cultural theory to combine the project of state liberalism with a recognition of cultural plurality, even announcements of a  …

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