
Discreet luxury

For decades, the luxury goods industry represented one of the market’s strongholds. In 2006, Egon Zhender International estimated the global luxury goods sector a $170 billion business. Similarly Kwak and Yoffie indexed the branch with a growth rate of about 6% per year.[i] Following Luzzini and Ronchi we might even speak of demographic shifts, with …

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Return to Innocence (?)

Probably fashion’s best kept secret of last year, Tom Ford’s first women’s collection, launched in June. It was a surprise to many. Like a sun-bather’s pool party and inspired by the breezy spirits of a 1960s David Hockney-like California, he presented a range of pieces made from delicate fabrics in carefully chosen colours that were …

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Sjaak Hullekes’ metamodern fashion

The young Dutch fashion designer Sjaak Hullekes is unique in a number of respects. Not only do all his collections develop from a former factory building whose interiors exude the charms of something between a curiosity shop and Alice in Wonderland 2.0.

Thom Browne’s Metamodern Fashion

The first thing that distinguishes Hollywood-actor-turned-fashion-designer Thom Browne from most fellow American designers is his lust for provocation but also a certain rigidity and appeal to discipline. An American through and through, his designs are as iconic in referencing his national background as they emblematise a critique of the US Establishment which, in his opinion, …

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