“We are countries where everything happens on a large scale. We represent nearly one half of the world population, 20 per cent of its land surface and are rich in natural resources. Today, the BRICs have become essential players in major international decision-making. As such we are acutely aware of our potential as agents of change in making global governance both more transparent and democratic. This is the message Brazil offered at the second BRIC Summit, held here in Brasilia, where the leaders of Brazil, Russia, India and China gathered on April 15. […] We are committed to building a joint diplomatic and creative approach with our BRIC partners in order to tackle…global challenges.”
How to describe this emerging landscape of power? As multi-polar? Perhaps. As multicentric? Maybe. One thing is sure, though. In the coming decades, the so-called West needs to come to terms with the economic and political rise of the BRICs. One way or another.
Hi guys, this reminds me of a passage from Zizek's most recent book
He muses on the fading star of the US’ cultural dominance: “Are recent trends in world cinema not an indicator of this gradual shift towards ideological multiple-centricity? Is the hegemony of Hollywood not gradually breaking down with the global success of films from Western Europe, Latin America and even China” (2010: 176)
cheers, very helpful!
This reminds me of Guy Verhofstadt's (former prime minister of Belgium) vision of a 'new age of empires'. Check the following link for an introduction in English (especially the first paragraphs):
cheers dorus! we will have a look… feel free to send in a post, by the way! we can always use posts…